Welcome to the North End FSA website!!! This is a great resource for information including Committees and Committee Chairpersons, Forms, and Upcoming Activities. For day-to-day updates, please follow us on Facebook or Instagram.  You can also email any questions you have by sending an email to any of our officers listed below.  We look forward to working with you to create a great experience for all of our students! 


2024-2026 FSA BOARD

President – Alyson Howe – northendfsa@gmail.com

Vice President – Jennifer Forschino – northendfsavp@gmail.com

Treasurer – Jackie Pinho – northendfsatreasurer@gmail.com

Recording Secretary – Kristin O’Leary – northendfsars@gmail.com 

Corresponding Secretary -Kelly McFadzean – northendfsacs@gmail.com


ONLINE DIRECTORY! – Our school directory is online!! Please make sure to opt-in HERE to have accessThe FSA will use the information from the directory to communicate with our families during the school year.  This will be your main source of information from the FSA. You gain access to the online directory by paying FSA dues. Stay tuned for more information!


Also, check out our Cedar Grove Panthers  Online Store